One of the biggest hassles is when you have to get all your taxes ready. You might not be excited to deal with it all, but you must. The tax season is the best time to get your finance in order but that does not mean you wait until the end to sort everything out. Getting everything in order before April reduces the amount of stress you undergo, or you can hand it over to your bookkeeper. If you want to have a stress-free tax experience, follow the steps below. Making a listThe first thing that should be done is to make a list of all your financial accounts. If you are the owner of a business, make sure you maintain both a business and a personal account. Your corporate account must include credit cards, investments, bank accounts and other financial related books. Include those books that are not being used as well to make sure that you won’t miss out on anything. However, there really is no point of keeping unused books if you don’t intend to use them. Ensure that your accountant Point Cook uses software to keep track of both business and personal transactions. If you leave out anything, you better be ready to hand over the money to the tax department. BookkeepingIn order to file your taxes, you need the annual income statement and balance sheet. The income statement is the most important to prepare the tolls for the business. Based on the type of business you operate, you will have to list out the liabilities and assets, which can be extracted from the balance sheet. Be organized. Have one day of every month where you will update the records. Double check to make sure that you won’t make any mistakes because any errors will be brought forward, which will cause you to lose profits or be under profit. Be accurate and you won’t have to worry about answering questions to a tax agent Melbourne CBD.Tax form list Get a tax form checklist ready and use it. You can keep it in an online storage site so you can access it and make any changes when needed then and there. File all the toll forms so that you won’t have to go through the same process that is a big hassle. You will know exactly what documentations you have and don’t have so you can prepare to get the necessary documents sorted out. When you get the tax letter as an email or as physical letter keep it safely. Use programs such as TurboTax or TaxACT to do your levies. As long as you do what is necessary you don’t have to worry about answering to the tax department about anything. So, get your organization skills together and openly communicate with your accountant in order to get everything done.